Constitution of the Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network (Trial implementation)




Article 1

The name of the network shall be Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network (hereinafter referred to as the Network or SIRONET), abbreviated as SIRONET.

Article 2

Initiated by China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE), SIRONET shall be a platform for Chinese NGOs and NGOs of other countries to strengthen exchanges and cooperation.

Article 3

The purpose of building SIRONET is to uphold the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit, promote exchanges and cooperation among NGOs in countries along the Belt and Road, enhance people-to-people connectivity and push forward the Belt and Road Initiative so as to make contribution to the peace, development and win-win cooperation in countries and regions along the Belt and Road.




Article 4

SIRONET shall observe the principle of openness and inclusiveness. All NGOs and social forces that have the will and qualification of joining the Network shall be welcomed and supported to actively participate in the joint-building of SIRONET.

Article 5

SIRONET shall observe the principle of mutual equality. Member organizations, regardless of their countries, professions or sizes, shall treat each other equally, respect each other and coexist harmoniously.

Article 6

SIRONET shall observe the principle of mutual learning. Member organizations shall enhance exchanges and mutual learning and draw from each other’s merits for common good and progress.

Article 7

SIRONET shall observe the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation. The Network shall safeguard shared development interests and public benefits of countries along the Belt and Road to achieve win-win cooperation and common prosperity.




Article 8

SIRONET shall enable member organizations to maintain efficient communication, keep each other informed, carry out researches and share experience about the public opinions and cooperation demand of countries along the Belt and Road to contribute wisdom and strength to the Belt and Road Initiative.

Article 9

SIRONET shall encourage and support member organizations to

1) carry out livelihood projects to improve the well-being of peoples along the Belt and Road and promote sustainable development;

2) carry out various kinds of cultural and people-to-people exchange activities to promote mutual learning among different civilizations and cultures and enhance mutual understanding and friendship among peoples along the Belt and Road;

3) strengthen the Network’s exchanges and interaction with governments along the Belt and Road, enhance cooperation with the media and push enterprises to better fulfill their corporate social responsibility so as to continuously increase the influence of SIRONET.

Article 10

SIRONET shall proactively disseminate information about the Belt and Road Initiative through various means to increase understanding and support of the international community about the Belt and Road Initiative.




Article 11

Under the Network, an International Steering Committee and a Secretariat shall be established.

Article 12

To fully reflect its representativeness, the International Steering Committee shall be composed of nine members, elected from member organizations with strong regional representation and international influence. Term of office of the members shall be two years. The members may be re-elected. There shall be one President within the International Steering Committee.

Article 13

Main functions of the International Steering Committee shall include carrying out researches and discussions on the future development of the Network and other important issues, coordinating exchanges and cooperation among member organizations and strengthening cooperation with the United Nations and other international organizations.

Article 14

The Secretariat shall be the permanent executive organ of SIRONET. China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE) shall fulfill the functions and responsibility of the Secretariat. Secretary General of the Network shall be assumed by the Secretary General of CNIE. 1-2 Deputy Secretary General(s) shall be designated given necessary conditions. The work of the Secretariat shall be subject to the supervision of member organizations.

Article 15

Main functions of the Secretariat shall include holding conferences within the framework of SIRONET, drafting relevant documents, collecting and summing up information of important activities of member organizations, building and maintaining the official website of SIRONET through which important information about the Network and member organizations shall be timely released, and such other functions of the Secretariat.

Article 16

The building of specialty committees shall be actively promoted.




Article 17

Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network Forum shall be held every two years and shall discuss important issues about the development of the Network and People-to-people connectivity along the Belt and Road and offer guidance and suggestions. Theme of each forum shall be decided after fully soliciting opinions from member organizations.

Article 18

International Steering Committee shall meet every year.

Article 19

Organizations that members of the International Steering Committee belong to shall be in charge of convening regional meetings within the framework of SIRONET in light of regional needs attended by member organizations in the region .

Article 20

Specialty committees shall meet according to actual needs.





Article 21

NGOs that support the Belt and Road Initiative and this Constitution, register and practice in their countries by rule of law and hold certain national and international influence shall become member organizations of SIRONET after the organizations’ voluntary application and approval of the Secretariat.

Article 22

Rights of member organizations of SIRONET shall include

1) participating in exchange activities, livelihood projects and various kinds of meetings and forums organized by SIRONET;

2) participating in discussions about future development of SIRONET;

3) proposing suggestions and advices to the International Steering Committee and the Secretariat;

4) other rights that are in accordance with the Constitution.

Article 23

Obligations of member organizations of SIRONET shall include

1) observing the Constitution and resolutions of SIRONET;

2) providing assistance to the work of the International Steering Committee and the Secretariat;

3) serving the interests of countries along the Belt and Road, maintaining friendly cooperation among member organizations and safeguarding legitimate rights and interests of the Network so as to promote joint building of the Belt and Road;

4) submitting annual report on activities taken according to the purposes and principles of the Network. Member organizations that fail to submit report for two consecutive years shall be regarded as automatically withdrawing from SIRONET;

5) the Secretariat shall be entitled the right to suggesting suspension of membership of member organizations that have seriously violated the Constitution or failed to fulfill the obligations.




Article 24

The Constitution is approved at the first Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network Forum on November 22, 2017 after soliciting opinions of all member organizations. The term for trial implementation is two years.

Article 25

The Secretariat holds the right to interpretation of the Constitution.